Born: about 1748 (30)
Died: 1798 in Culpepper County, Virginia (30)
Father: William Etherton (30)
Mother: Fanny? (30)
Brother: John Etherton (30)
Brother: Francis Atherton (30)
Brother: James Etherton (30)
Name: Catherine Suckly (30)
MarriageDate: about 1772 (30)
Son: John Etherington (31)
It is believed that this is the William that found a horse in Spotsylvania County, Virginia and advertized in the Virginia Gazette on December 14, 1769 (30)
It is believed that this is the William that witnessed a land deed in Spotsyvania County, Virginia on June 15, 1775 (30)
It is believed that this is the William that paid taxes in Spotsyvania County, Virginia in 1782 (30)
(30) Lineages Research Report - 3 September 1992
(31) E-Mail from Nancy Goetzen
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Descendant Tree for William Etherton (This page is a part of the tree)