James Allen Johnson

Born: Sunday, November 10, 1872 in Olney, Richland County, Illinois

Died: Thursday, November 16, 1944 in Comanche County, Oklahoma

Buried: Highland Cemetery, Comanche County, Oklahoma

Lived: 72 years 6 days



Name: Kate Etherton (1876/IL - 1963)

  Date: 11/10/1895 (age: 23 years ) - 11/16/1944 (death, 49 years 6 days)


Son: Cedric Raymond Johnson+ (1896/IL - 1942)

Son: Herbert Allen Johnson+ (1897/IL - 1964)

Son: Clay Wall Johnson+ (1900/IL - 1951)

Daughter: Irma Jane Johnson (1904 - 1974)

Son: Robert Etherton Johnson (1906 - 1935)

Son: James Arthur Johnson (1908 - 2000)

Son: Harold Edward Johnson+ (1911 - 1993)


1900 Richland County IL Census

1910 Comanche County OK Census

A Genealogical History of 3 Pioneer Families of Jackson County, Illinois

Shawcross Genealogy

Find-A-Grave Website


This page was created on October 6, 2011, last updated on December 30, 2021, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net