Alonzo Elsworth Etherton

Born: Monday, August 16, 1897 in Illinois

Died: May 1982 in Franklin County, Illinois

Buried: Odd Fellows Cemetery, Hamilton County, Illinois

yDNA: R-M269 (inferred)


Father:Andrew Jackson Etherton An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1853/IL - 1899)

Mother:Lydia Ellen Spence (1854/IL - 1937/IL)


Brother: William Jackson Etherton+ (1878/IL - 1949/CO)

Brother: Joseph Edward Etherton+ (1879/IL - 1964/CO)

Brother: Bennie P. Etherton (1881 - 1883)

Sister: Lulu May Etherton Wise (1883/IL - 1964/IL)

Sister: Minnie Luvisa Etherton Dillinger+ (1885/IL - 1972/IL)

Sister: Lydia Etherton (1887/IL - 1888)

Sister: Grace Myrtle Etherton Ambrose (1891/IL - 1969)

Brother: Benjamin Frank Etherton (1893/IL - )

Sister: Mary Francis Etherton Palmer+ (1893/IL - 1986/MO)

Sister: Lenora Etherton Moody (1895/IL - 1982/IL)


Name: Martha Hickman (1897/IL - 1940/MO)


Son: Frank H. Etherton (1924/IL - )

Daughter: Ellen B. Etherton (1927/IL - )

History/Life Events

  Service: Veteran of World War I. US Army.

  Occupation: Auto Dealer.

Official Sources (show all)

Martha Etherton Certificate of Death, 1940


This page was created on May 11, 2011, last updated on March 5, 2019, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at