John Qualls

Born: Saturday, March 31, 1849 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Wednesday, October 1, 1913 in Carbondale, Jackson County, Illinois

Buried: Oakland Cemetery, Carbondale, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 64 years 6 months


Father:William John Qualls (1821/IL - 1888/IL)

Mother:Sarah Blackwood (1825/TN - 1888)


Sister: Mary Qualls (1844/IL - )

Brother: George Washington Qualls+ (1845/IL - )

Sister: Louisa Jane Qualls Etherton+ (1846/IL - 1903)

Sister: Ann Qualls (1851/IL - )

Brother: William Henry Qualls (1857/IL - 1927/IL)

Sister: Jane Qualls (1859/IL - )


Name: Laura Lucretia Brewster (1858/IL - 1923/IL)

  Date: 07/09/1876 (age: 27 years 3 months 8 days) - 10/01/1913 (death, 37 years 2 months 22 days)

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois


Daughter: Grace Darling Qualls Janes (1877/IL - 1941/IL)

Son: Harry L. Qualls (1879/IL - 1891)

Daughter: Viola Qualls (1884 - 1891)

History/Life Events

  Occupation: School Teacher.


1850 Jackson County IL Census

1860 Jackson County IL Census

Harry Qualls Certificate of Birth, 1879

Oakland Cemetery, Jackson County, Illinois


This page was created on December 4, 2011, last updated on October 26, 2018, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

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