William Lipe

Born: Sunday, October 7, 1849 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Friday, December 7, 1928 in Jackson County, Illinois

Buried: Oakland Cemetery, Carbondale, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 79 years 2 months


Father:John Lipe (1798/NC - 1872/IL)

Mother:Nancy L. Etherton (1806/TN - 1868/IL)


Sister: Lucinda Margaret Lipe Waller+ (1830/IL - 1864/IL)

Brother: Sampson Lipe+ (1832/IL - 1914/IL)

Brother: Thomas Lipe+ (1834/IL - 1889/IL)

Brother: John Wesley Lipe+ (1837/IL - 1878)

Sister: Nancy Ann Lipe Hanson+ (1839/IL - 1912/CA)

Sister: Julia Ann Lipe Marshall (1842/IL - )

Sister: Nowles Lipe Blackwood+ (1845/IL - )

Sister: Sarah Jane Lipe Winchester+ (1847/IL - 1914/IL)


Name: Sarah Ann Crawshaw (1849/IL - 1875)

  Date: 08/12/1870 (age: 20 years 10 months 5 days)

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois

Name: Mariah Isabelle Grammer (1857/IL - 1941/IL)

  Date: 1877


Daughter: Harriet T. Lipe (1871/IL - )

Son: John Lipe (1873/IL - )

Official Sources (show all)

William Lipe & Sarah Ann Crawshaw Marriage Register, 1870

John Lipe Last Will & Testament, 1871


This page was created on February 2, 2012, last updated on February 2, 2012, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net