Lorinda Hagler

Born: 1850 in Jackson County, Illinois


Father:Leonard Hagler (1826/IL - 1881/IL)

Mother:Mary Fisher (1825/IL - 1898/IL)


Sister: Louisa Jane Hagler (1845/IL - 1881)

Sister: Catherine Hagler (1848/IL - )

Sister: Delilah Ellen Hagler Williams+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1851/IL - 1912/IL)

Sister: Mary A. Hagler Neal+ (1853/IL - 1918/IL)

Brother: Clayborne Peter Hagler+ (1853/IL - 1925)

Brother: William Hagler (1859/IL - )

Sister: Sarah E. Hagler (1865/IL - )


1870 Jackson County IL Census


This page was created on February 26, 2012, last updated on August 7, 2018, and viewed on May 8, 2024.

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