Pattee Gaye Nausley

Portrait of Pattee Gaye Nausley

Born: Monday, November 24, 1952 in Elbert County, Colorado

Died: Sunday, October 5, 2014 in Salt Lake County, Utah

Lived: 61 years 10 months 11 days


Father:Harry Allen Nausley An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1909/IL - 1985/UT)

Mother:Ruthie Bell Chartier (1914/OK - 1989/WA)


Sister: Eva Mae Nausley Turner Zubak+ (1932 - 2009)

Brother: Walter Harrison Nausley (1935 - 1992)

Sister: -unpublished-

Brother: Donald Allen Nausley (1940 - 2010)

Brother: -unpublished-

Brother: Charles Leonard Nausley+ (1945/UT - 2012/WA)

Brother: Larry Chris Nausley (1947 - 1991)

Sister: -unpublished-

Sister: -unpublished-


Name: Vernon Victor Vogtman (1952 - 2003)

Name: Andrew M. Canderlario ( - )

  Date: 07/02/1979 (age: 26 years 7 months 8 days)


Daughter: -unpublished-

Daughter: -unpublished-

History/Life Events

  Descendant of 4 war veteran(s)/patriot(s) (see details).

  Education: Grantsville High School.

  Occupation: Tooele County Sheriff.


Daffney Scherer

Pattee Nausley Obituary

Shared DNA & Shared Ancestors (Allen Etherton & Sarah Lipe) #018


This page was created on February 16, 1997, last updated on July 31, 2021, and viewed on June 6, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at