Minerva Belle Wells

Born: Saturday, October 4, 1851 in Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa

Died: Wednesday, December 15, 1909 in Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa

Buried: Philadelphia Cemetery, Appanoose County, Iowa

Lived: 58 years 2 months 11 days


Father:Henry M Wells (1806/PA - 1876/IA)

Mother:Rebecca Elizabeth Hill (1815/NC - 1854/IA)


Sister: Mary Jane Wells (1833/IN - 1910/IA)

Brother: Jesse Wells (1834/IN - 1920/IA)

Brother: Jordan Wells (1836/IN - )

Brother: Benjamin Franklin Wells (1838/IN - 1912/IA)

Brother: Hiram Wells (1842/IN - 1924/TX)

Sister: Celia A. Wells Wright+ (1849/IN - )


Name: George Ganus Wakefield (1855/IN - 1906/IA)

  Date: 01/07/1875 (age: 23 years 3 months 3 days) - 10/23/1906 (death/spouse, 31 years 9 months 16 days)

  Place: Appanoose County, Iowa


Daughter: Lydia Catherine Wakefield McGrann+ (1878/IA - 1956)

Son: William Henry Wakefield+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1878/IA - 1957/IA)

Daughter: Mary E. Wakefield (1878/IA - 1878/IA)

Son: Jesse E Wakefield (1879/IA - )

Son: Benjamin Wakefield (1883/IA - )

Daughter: Sadie Wakefield Mitchell (1887/IA - )

Daughter: Harriet H. Wakefield Brandsfield (1888/NE - 1945/IA)

Daughter: Sarah Wakefield (1889 - IA)

Daughter: Ella Mae Wakefield Johnson+ (1890/IA - 1963/IA)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).

Official Sources (show all)

George Wakefield and Minerva Wells Certificate of Marriage, 1875

Minerva Wakefield Death Record, 1909

Minerva Belle Wakefield Certificate of Death, 1909

Lydia Wakefield Birth Certificate, 1943

William Wakefield Death Certificate, 1957


This page was created on March 25, 2001, last updated on August 29, 2021, and viewed on May 14, 2024.

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