Sylvania Jane Wakefield

Born: Monday, March 17, 1851 in Bartholomew County, Indiana

Died: Wednesday, October 20, 1926 in Centerville, Appanoose County, Iowa

Buried: Philadelphia Cemetery, Appanoose County, Iowa

Lived: 75 years 7 months 3 days


Father:James Stuckey Wakefield An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1823/IN - 1899/IA)

Mother:Elizabeth Daugherty (1829/IN - 1921/IA)


Sister: Catherine Ann Wakefield Baker+ (1849/IN - 1905/IA)

Brother: Samuel Milton Wakefield+ (1853/IN - 1928/IA)

Brother: George Ganus Wakefield+ (1855/IN - 1906/IA)

Brother: James Hezekiah Wakefield+ (1857/IA - 1912/IA)

Brother: John Adam Wakefield (1859/IA - 1925)

Sister: Matilda Elizabeth Wakefield Cross+ (1860/IA - 1944/IA)

Brother: William Flavius Wakefield+ (1863/IA - )

Sister: Christine Ellen Wakefield Inskeep+ (1866/IA - 1959/MO)

Brother: Randell Fisher Wakefield+ (1869/IA - 1937/IA)


Name: Loyd Wailes (1843/IN - 1929/IA)

  Date: 11/15/1873 (age: 22 years 7 months 29 days) - 10/20/1926 (death, 52 years 11 months 5 days)

  Place: Appanoose County, Iowa


Son: Edward L. Wailes (1874/IA - 1940/IA)

Son: Emmett E. Wailes (1876/IA - 1969)

Daughter: Anna M. Wailes (1878/IA - )

Son: Otis Wailes (1885/IA - )

Daughter: Grace Wailes (1890/IA - )

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).

Official Sources (show all)

Sylvania Wailes Certificate of Death, 1926

Loyd Wailes Certificate of Death, 1929

Ed Wailes Certification of Death, 1940


This page was created on May 18, 2012, last updated on February 22, 2017, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

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