Margaret Milligan

Born: October 1850 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: 1914

Buried: Lipe Cemetery, Jackson County, Illinois



Name: John Wesley Grammer (1852/IL - 1915/IL)

  Date: 07/04/1872 (age: 21 years 9 months 4 days) - 02/08/1878 (divorce, 5 years 7 months 4 days)

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois

Name: William Riley Lipe (1836/IL - 1898/IL)

  Date: 12/26/1878 (age: 28 years 2 months 26 days)

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois


Son: Frederick Grammer (1875/IL - )

Daughter: Victoria Grammer Lipe+ (1875/IL - 1965/IL)

Daughter: Lottie Grammer (1877/IL - )

Daughter: Ada T. Lipe (1879/IL - 1965)

Daughter: Chloie Lipe (1881/IL - 1887)

Daughter: Hattie Lipe (1885/IL - 1958)

Daughter: Mina V. Lipe (1886/IL - )

Daughter: Verna Lipe (1891/IL - 1936/IL)

Daughter: Mary B. Lipe (1893/IL - )


William Lipe & Margaret Grammer Register of Marriage, 1878

Chloie Lipe Certificate of Birth, 1881

Johnathan Lipe & Victoria Grammer Register of Marriage, 1892

1900 Jackson County IL Census

Lipe Cemetery


This page was created on May 20, 2012, last updated on October 7, 2020, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

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