John Preston Haltom

Portrait of John Preston Haltom

Born: Wednesday, February 20, 1839 in Owen County, Indiana

Died: Thursday, January 4, 1906 in Oklahoma

Lived: 66 years 10 months 15 days


Father:Joel Haltom (1805/NC - 1873/IN)

Mother:Lucinda Morris (1807/NC - 1887/IN)


Sister: Zilla Ann Haltom Palmer+ (1826/NC - 1889/MO)

Sister: Mary E. Haltom Palmer (1829/GA - )

Sister: Alley M. Haltom (1830/IN - 1906/IN)

Sister: Elizabeth Haltom (1833/IN - 1887)

Sister: Dialtha Haltom (1835/IN - 1872)

Brother: James W. Haltom+ (1837/IN - 1879)

Brother: Levi J. Haltom+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1844/IN - 1897/IN)

Sister: Amy Harriet Haltom (1845/IN - )

Sister: Nancy E. Haltom (1847/IN - )

Brother: William B. Haltom (1850/IN - )

Sister: Elvira Haltom (1856 - )


Name: Mary E. Crapper ( - )

  Date: 09/12/1861 (age: 22 years 6 months 23 days)

Name: Mary Isabelle Bressler (1848/PA - 1930/OK)

  Date: 04/16/1865 (age: 26 years 1 month 27 days)


Son: Henry B. Haltom (1866 - )

Son: James Nathan Haltom (1868 - 1958/OK)

Son: Haward Harley Haltom (1869 - 1929)

Daughter: Laura Florence Haltom (1872 - 1898)

Son: Charles Wesley Haltom An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1876/IN - 1951)

Daughter: Clenta Haltom (1882 - 1882)

Son: John William Haltom (1883 - 1958)

Son: Alva Carson Haltom (1886 - 1968)

Daughter: Bertha Mae Haltom (1888 - 1916)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of 2 war veteran(s)/patriot(s) (see details).


1850 Owen County IN Census

1860 Owen County IN Census

The History of the Haltom Family

DAR Research Database - Haltom

DAR Research Database - Randall


This page was created on June 12, 2012, last updated on January 24, 2020, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

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