Maximilian C. Etherton

Born: Sunday, September 6, 1846 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Sunday, January 10, 1886 in Jackson County, Illinois

Buried: Etherton Cemetery, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 39 years 4 months 4 days

yDNA: R-FT442596 (inferred)


Father:Andrew Jackson Etherton An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1822/TN - 1878/IL)

Mother:Lydia Luvisa Waller (1819/IL - 1895/IL)


Sister: Mary Jane Etherton Hanson (1843/IL - )

Brother: William Carroll Etherton+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1844/IL - 1909/IL)

Sister: Matilda Ellen Etherton Crawshaw+ (1848/IL - 1905/IL)

Sister: Juanita Etherton (1850 - 1850)

Brother: Andrew Jackson Etherton+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1853/IL - 1899)

Sister: Luvisa A. Etherton Hunsaker+ (1855/IL - 1942/MO)

Sister: Maria Emma Etherton Spence Hinchcliff+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1860/IL - 1936/IL)

Sister: Sarah Frances Etherton Hagler Spence+ (1861/IL - 1946/IL)

Sister: Mahala Etherton (1863 - )


Name: Mahala Brewer (1851/IL - 1888/IL)

  Date: 01/10/1867 (age: 20 years 4 months 4 days) - 01/10/1886 (death, 19 years )

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois


Daughter: Ida Ann Etherton Queen Lipe+ (1867/IL - 1952/CA)

Daughter: Infant Etherton (1868 - 1868)

Daughter: Harriett Etherton Hanson+ (1869/IL - 1947/IL)

Daughter: Minnie Etherton Hanson+ (1871/IL - 1896)

Daughter: Emma Etherton Lipe+ (1873/IL - 1900)

Daughter: Lydia Etherton (1875 - 1894)

Daughter: Mahala Etherton (1878/IL - 1879)

Daughter: Cora Francis Etherton Levelsmier Berry+ (1880/IL - 1975/CA)

Daughter: Carrie May Etherton Lipe+ (1882/IL - 1969/IL)

History/Life Events

  Occupation: Farmer.

Official Sources (show all)

Mahala Etta Etherton Certificate of Birth, 1878

Maximillian Etherton Last Will & Testament, 1886

Cora Francis Etherton Certificate of Birth, 1942

Ida Lipe Certificate of Death, 1952


This page was created on January 6, 1997, last updated on March 6, 2019, and viewed on September 20, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at