George Henderson Louton

Born: Saturday, January 23, 1886 in Mexia, Limestone County, Texas

Died: Wednesday, October 4, 1967 in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas

Lived: 81 years 8 months 11 days

yDNA: R-P89.2


Father:Louis W. Louton (1847/AL - 1917/TX)

Mother:Rebecca Frances Grant (1855/MS - 1946/TX)


Sister: Ida Jane Louton Knighton+ (1874/MS - 1918/TX)

Sister: Mary Elizabeth Louton (1876/MS - )

Sister: Nancy Rebecca Louton Inge+ (1878/MS - 1960/NM)

Brother: William Arthur Louton+ (1881/AR - 1956/TX)

Sister: Henry Etta Louton (1883 - 1896)

Sister: Amanda Irene Louton Erwin Jones+ (1888/TX - 1978/CA)

Sister: Bettie Lee Louton Fowler+ (1891/TX - 1971/TX)

Sister: Ola Vie Louton Petrea+ (1896/TX - 1982/TX)


Name: Effie Lee Ballard (1899/TX - 1991/TX)

  Date: 06/29/1918 (age: 32 years 5 months 6 days) - 10/04/1967 (death, 49 years 3 months 5 days)

  Place: Van Zandt County, Texas


Daughter: Amy Ruth Louton (1919 - )

Daughter: Thelma Lee Louton (1925/TX - 1981/TX)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of 6 war veteran(s)/patriot(s) (see details).


Tommy Emmons


This page was created on September 22, 2012, last updated on September 3, 2018, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

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