Aldon Opal Erwin

Born: Saturday, April 1, 1911 in Van Zandt County, Texas

Died: 1989


Father:A. John Erwin ( - )

Mother:Amanda Irene Louton (1888/TX - 1978/CA)


Brother: Raymond Lee Erwin (1906 - 1999/TX)

Brother: Dorsey Edward Erwin (1908 - 1994)

Brother: A. John Erwin (1913/TX - 1996)

Brother: Barnie Erwin (1915/TX - 1920/TX)

Sister: Orene Erwin (1918/TX - 1999)

Sister: Orez Erwin (1918/TX - 1972)

Brother: Lewis Waylord Erwin (1921/TX - 1968/HI)

Brother: Harlan Price Jones (half-brother) (1924/TX - )

Sister: Louise Marie Jones (half-sister) (1926 - )

Brother: Billy Stanford Jones (half-brother) (1929 - )

History/Life Events

  Descendant of 6 war veteran(s)/patriot(s) (see details).


Tommy Emmons


This page was created on September 30, 2012, last updated on September 30, 2012, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

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