Elizabeth Bishop

Born: Tuesday, March 23, 1802 in England

Died: 1870 in Jackson County, Illinois



Name: George Basden (1801/EN - 1869/EN)

  Date: 07/20/1823 (age: 21 years 3 months 27 days) - 1869 (death/spouse, 45 years 4 months 10 days)

  Place: Kent, England


Daughter: Phillis Basden+ (1823/EN - 1891/IL)

Son: Charley Chumley Basden+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1826/EN - 1900/IL)

Daughter: Elizabeth Basden (1828/EN - )

Daughter: Harriett Basden Harris (1831/EN - 1909/IL)

Son: George Basden+ An indication that this person has military service (1834/EN - 1869)

Son: James Basden (1836/EN - )

Son: Richard Basden+ (1839/EN - )

Daughter: Sarah Ann Basden Pate Launius+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1842/EN - 1922/IL)


George Basden & Elizabeth Bishop, England Marriages Index

Charles Chumley Basden England Births

George Basden


This page was created on October 29, 2012, last updated on January 30, 2018, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net