Harriet Ellen Reynolds

Born: 1844 in Illinois


Father:Andrew Jackson Reynolds (1815/TN - 1855/IL)

Mother:Katharine F. Wilson (1815/KY - 1858/IL)


Brother: John H. Reynolds (1836/IL - )

Brother: William R. Reynolds (1838/IL - )

Brother: Kenneth H. Reynolds (1839/IL - )

Brother: David Millenton Reynolds (1840/IL - )

Brother: Isaac Wilson Reynolds (1840/IL - 1915/MO)

Brother: Marcus Green Reynolds (1842/IL - 1922/IL)

Brother: David Daniel Reynolds (1845/IL - )

Sister: Sarah Jane Reynolds (1846/IL - )

Brother: Seth Reynolds (1848/IL - )

Sister: Catherine Reynolds Henley Basden Betz+ (1849/IL - 1909/IL)

Brother: Turner Adolphus Reynolds (1850/IL - )


1850 Jackson County IL Census


This page was created on October 30, 2012, last updated on October 30, 2012, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

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