Nora Basden

Born: Sunday, February 2, 1890 in Jackson County, Illinois


Father:Henry Basden (1843/EN - 1909/IL)

Mother:Catherine Hanson (1852/IL - 1927/IL)


Sister: Lisa Basden (1873/IL - )

Sister: Etta Basden Davis (1873/IL - )

Brother: Charles Basden+ (1874/IL - 1962/IL)

Sister: Harriet E. Basden (1877/IL - )

Sister: Alice Basden (1879/IL - )

Sister: Malinda Basden (1881 - 1905)

Sister: Julia Ann Basden (1882/IL - )

Sister: Ethel Basden (1883 - )

Sister: Cora B. Basden (1885/IL - 1940)

Brother: Abraham Basden (1889/IL - )

Brother: Hanson Basden (1892/IL - )

Brother: Edgar Basden+ (1895/IL - 1955/IL)


Nora Basden Delayed Certificate of Birth, 1955

George Basden


This page was created on October 30, 2012, last updated on January 5, 2019, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

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