Mitchell Matthew Brewer

Born: Sunday, May 7, 1893 in Carbondale, Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Thursday, July 20, 1967 in Carbondale, Jackson County, Illinois

Buried: Oakland Cemetery, Carbondale, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 74 years 2 months 13 days


Father:John Matthews Brewer (1857/IL - 1912)

Mother:Lucinda Rhodes (1865/IL - 1918/IL)


Brother: Arthur Brewer+ (1887/IL - 1967)

Brother: William Raymond Brewer+ (1891/IL - 1965)

Brother: John Ozark Brewer (1895/IL - 1911)

Sister: Mable J Brewer (1898/IL - )

Sister: Mamie H Brewer Lipe+ (1898/IL - 1990/IL)

Sister: Emma Brewer (1903/IL - )


Name: Clola Ethel Lipe (1897/IL - 1990/IL)


Daughter: Alma Brewer (1914/IL - )

Son: Reginald Brewer (1917/IL - )

Daughter: Hazel E Brewer (1919/IL - 2005)

Daughter: Audrey B Brewer (1921 - 1921)

Daughter: Carmon Lee Brewer (1927/IL - )

Daughter: Emma Brewer (1931/IL - )


1910 Jackson County IL Census

1920 Jackson County IL Census

1930 Jackson County IL Census

Oakland Cemetery, Jackson County, Illinois


This page was created on July 29, 2016, last updated on July 29, 2016, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

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