Serena Ellen Sales

Born: Saturday, February 20, 1858 in Appanoose County, Iowa

Died: Friday, January 13, 1939 in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa

Buried: Philadelphia Cemetery, Appanoose County, Iowa

Lived: 80 years 10 months 24 days



Name: Samuel Milton Wakefield (1853/IN - 1928/IA)

  Date: 05/09/1877 (age: 19 years 2 months 19 days) - 04/29/1928 (death/spouse, 50 years 11 months 20 days)

  Place: Appanoose County, Iowa


Son: Jess Marion Wakefield+ (1878/IL - 1948)

Son: James Thomas Wakefield (1880/IA - 1908/IA)

Daughter: Lillian Wakefield Allen (1882/IA - 1912/IA)

Daughter: Clara Wakefield (1885/IA - )

Son: Earl D. Wakefield (1887/IA - 1961)

Son: Lawrence Wakefield (1889/IA - )

Daughter: Florence Wakefield (1889/IA - )

Son: William L. Wakefield+ (1889/IA - 1972/IA)

Son: Almer C. Wakefield (1892 - 1892)

Son: Bertie Wakefield (1894/IA - )


1895 Iowa State Census

Samuel Wakefield Certificate of Death, 1928

Philadelphia Cemetery Memorials from 'Find A Grave' website


This page was created on February 22, 2017, last updated on February 22, 2017, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

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