Coonard Cansler Allen

Portrait of Coonard Cansler Allen

Born: Friday, July 7, 1820 in Rutherford County, North Carolina

Died: Wednesday, January 25, 1865 in Kountze, Hardin County, Texas

Lived: 44 years 6 months 18 days

yDNA: R-CTS241


Father:Willis Paschal Allen (1790/NC - 1837/LA)

Mother:Elizabeth Cansler (1800/NC - 1839/LA)


Brother: Willis Paschal Allen+ (1819/NC - 1856/LA)

Sister: Mary Adaline Allen Lay (1822/NC - 1856/LA)

Brother: Joseph Tarpley Allen (1824/NC - 1837/LA)

Brother: Lemuel Lewis Allen (1826/NC - LA)

Brother: William Bradley Allen (1828/NC - 1862/TX)

Sister: Nancy Allen Daniel (1829/NC - 1899)


Name: Mary Elizabeth Wallace (1824/LA - 1857/LA)

  Date: 10/17/1839 (age: 19 years 3 months 10 days)

  Place: Grand Cane, De Soto Parish, Louisiana

Name: Mahala Jane Cook An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1826/AL - 1913/AR)

  Date: 10/20/1850 (age: 30 years 3 months 13 days)

  Place: Bossier Parish, Louisiana


Daughter: Elizabeth L Allen Stiles+ (1839/LA - 1881)

Son: Willis Allen+ An indication that this person has military service (1842/LA - 1908/LA)

Son: Jackson G Allen (1843/LA - 1863)

Daughter: Mary Allen (1844/LA - )

Son: William M. Allen+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1851/LA - 1934/AR)

Son: Joseph James Allen+ (1852/LA - 1939/AR)

Son: Elisha W Allen (1854/LA - )

Daughter: Eliza Jane Allen (1856/LA - )

History/Life Events

  Descendant of 2 war veteran(s)/patriot(s) (see details).

Official Sources (show all)

CC Allen & Jane Cook Marriage Bond, 1850

Canceller Allen & Jane Cook Marriage Record, 1850

William Allen Certificate of Death, 1934


This page was created on January 6, 1996, last updated on December 22, 2021, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

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