John A Pirtle

Born: Tuesday, March 18, 1919 in Illinois

Died: Sunday, January 28, 1990

Lived: 70 years 10 months 10 days


Father:Albert Lee Pirtle (1885/IL - 1976/IL)

Mother:Clora Bridgeman (1893/IL - 1928)


Sister: Helen Pirtle Ellis (1916/IL - 2012/IL)

Brother: Leland Charles Pirtle (1917/IL - 2000/IL)

Sister: Doris R Pirtle (1921/IL - )

Brother: Cletus Willard Pirtle (1922/IL - 2015/FL)

Sister: Mildred M Pirtle (1923/IL - 2003/IL)

Brother: Lester Pirtle (1925 - 1928)

Sister: Mary Pirtle (1928 - 1928)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).


Jonesboro Illinois Gazette Selected Obituaries


This page was created on April 19, 2017, last updated on July 12, 2019, and viewed on May 26, 2024.

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