Elizabeth McNeir

Born: 1842 in Ohio


Father:David McNeir (1807/PA - 1885/IL)

Mother:Martha Ann Childs (1809/MD - 1886/IL)


Sister: Sarah McNeir (1832/MD - )

Sister: Rebecca McNeir Hagler+ (1833/MD - 1909/IL)

Sister: Margaret McNeir Lipe+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1835/OH - 1908/IL)

Sister: Martha Ann McNeir (1838/OH - 1923)

Sister: Nancy McNeir (1839/OH - )

Sister: Lucinda McNeir Hagler+ (1842/OH - 1884)

Brother: David McNeir (1846/IL - 1913)


1850 Jackson County IL Census


This page was created on May 28, 2017, last updated on May 28, 2017, and viewed on May 18, 2024.

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