Henry B Hammond

Born: Monday, December 15, 1919 in Iowa

Died: Tuesday, February 21, 1922

Buried: Shriver Cemetery, Wayne County, Iowa

Lived: 2 years 2 months 6 days


Father:Henry Hammond (1878/IL - 1949/IA)

Mother:July Etta Shriver (1881/IA - 1955)


Sister: Opal Hammond (1903/IA - 1976)

Sister: Fern Hammond (1908/IA - 1986)

Sister: Merna Hammond (1910/IA - )

Sister: Verna Hammond (1910/IA - 1998)

Sister: Ruth Hammond (1912/IA - )

Sister: Pearl Hammond (1914/IA - )

Sister: Pauline Hammond (1916/IA - )

Sister: Lotta Hammond (1918/IA - )

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).


1920 Wayne County IA Census

Shriver Cemetery, Wayne County, Iowa


This page was created on November 6, 2017, last updated on November 6, 2017, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net