Sarah Etherton

Born: 1852 in Missouri


Father:Wilson Perry Etherton An indication that a portrait of this person is available An indication that this person has military service (1823/KY - 1887/MO)

Mother:Sarah Caroline Thogmartin (1823/TN - 1884/MO)


Sister: Mary Jane Etherton (1839/MO - )

Brother: Joshua Etherton (1844/MO - 1932)

Brother: John Etherton+ (1847/MO - 1935/MO)

Sister: Manerva Etherton (1849/MO - )

Brother: Joseph Etherton (1851/MO - 1933/KS)

Sister: Amanda Caroline Etherton Benner+ (1855/MO - 1927)

Brother: Perry Etherton+ (1856/MO - 1940)

Sister: Harriet Etherton Shipp (1859/MO - 1908/MO)

Sister: Lucretia Etherton Amos (1861/MO - 1950/TX)

Sister: Nancy Etherton (1863/MO - )

Sister: Laura Etherton (1863/MO - )

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).


1860 Mercer County MO Census


This page was created on January 13, 2018, last updated on July 31, 2018, and viewed on May 26, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at