Lawrence Etherton

Born: Wednesday, December 20, 1916 in Illinois

Died: Thursday, April 15, 1993

Lived: 76 years 3 months 26 days

yDNA: R-M269 (inferred)


Father:Omar M. Etherton (1879/IL - 1930/IL)

Mother:Minnie M. Fox (1879/IL - 1941/IL)


Sister: Ruby May Etherton (1898/IL - 1948)

Brother: Henry Amer Etherton+ (1899/IL - 1965/IL)

Brother: Wilbert Etherton+ (1901/IL - 1936)

Brother: Floyd Claud Etherton (1904/IL - 1944/IL)

Sister: Alice Etherton (1906/IL - )

Sister: Ray Etherton (1908/IL - )

Brother: Raleigh Etherton (1909/IL - 1991/IL)

Sister: Connie Mable Etherton Devine (1911/IL - 1950/CA)

Sister: Demova Nadine Etherton Tanner+ (1920/IL - 1988/CA)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).


This page was created on October 10, 1998, last updated on July 12, 2012, and viewed on May 14, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at