Eric Hubert Pirtle

Born: Wednesday, July 1, 1903 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Friday, October 3, 1958 in Madison County, Illinois

Buried: Sunset Hill Cemetery, Madison County, Illinois

Lived: 55 years 3 months 2 days


Father:Nathaniel Hull Pirtle (1856/AR - 1909/IL)

Mother:Mary Elizabeth Emery (1863/IL - 1941/IL)


Brother: Herbert Lee Pirtle (1883/IL - 1975/IL)

Sister: Elsie May Pirtle Lindsey+ (1886/IL - 1954/IL)

Sister: Cora Ellen Pirtle Ellis+ (1888/IL - 1968)

Sister: Ora Belle Pirtle (1890/IL - 1974/IL)

Brother: James Pirtle (1891/IL - )

Sister: Ollie M Pirtle Hagler+ (1892 - 1916)

Sister: Gertrude Alice Pirtle Lindsey+ (1895/IL - 1967/WA)

Sister: Emma Caroline Pirtle An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1897/IL - 1977/IL)

Brother: Earl Gordon Pirtle (1899/IL - 1962)

Brother: Roy Lee Pirtle (1908/IL - 1978/IL)


Name: Gertrude A Etherton (1905/IL - 1962/IL)

  Date: 1925 - 10/03/1958 (death, 33 years 10 months 3 days)


Son: Aldean Vernon Pirtle (1924/IL - 1986/FL)

Daughter: Esther Margaruite Pirtle (1925/IL - 1946/IL)

Daughter: Virginia Lee Pirtle (1927/IL - 2006)

Daughter: Imogene Pirtle (1930/IL - )

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).


1920 Jackson County IL Census

Find-A-Grave Website

John Smith: Pirtle Website


This page was created on September 17, 2011, last updated on December 26, 2020, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at