Stephen Walter Etherton

Portrait of Stephen Walter Etherton

(additional images)

Born: Tuesday, April 15, 1823 in Green County, Kentucky

Died: Saturday, February 28, 1903 in Bloomington, Franklin County, Nebraska

Buried: Greenwood Cemetery, Franklin County, Nebraska

Lived: 79 years 10 months 13 days


Father:William Etherton (1790/KY - 1840/KY)

Mother:Mary Polly Elkins (1795/KY - 1856/KY)


Brother: Simon Etherton+ (1811/KY - 1856/KY)

Brother: James Etherton+ (1813/KY - 1897/MO)

Brother: David Etherton+ (1815/KY - 1892/KY)

Sister: Mary Etherton (1815 - 1816)

Brother: Jeremiah Etherton+ An indication that this person has military service (1817/KY - 1880/KY)

Sister: Rachel Etherton Osborn (1825 - )

Brother: William Frank Etherton+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1826/KY - 1907/IL)


Name: Margaret Ann Smith (1825/KY - 1915/NE)

  Date: 10/23/1845 (age: 22 years 6 months 8 days) - 02/28/1903 (death, 57 years 4 months 5 days)

  Place: Cass County, Illinois


Son: James D. Etherton+ (1848/IL - 1921/NE)

Son: Charles Wesley Etherton+ (1850/IL - 1919/NE)

Son: Samuel S. Etherton+ (1852/KY - 1927)

Son: Theodore Clayton Etherton+ (1854/IL - 1933/CN)

Daughter: Mary K. Etherton (1856/IA - )

Son: John Etherton (1858/IA - )

Son: Stephen A Etherton+ (1862/IA - )

Daughter: Euena J. Etherton (1865/MO - 1903)

Son: Grant Ulysses Etherton+ (1870/MO - 1948)

History/Life Events

  Service: Veteran of the US Civil War. Iowa 3rd Infantry, Company G.

  Occupation: Farmer.

Official Sources (show all)

Stephen Atherton & Peggy Smith Certificate of Marriage, 1845

Samuel Etherton Birth Record, 1852


This page was created on November 8, 2018, last updated on August 17, 2021, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at