Clifford Earl Bray

Born: Wednesday, August 13, 1913 in Milan, Sullivan County, Missouri

Died: Saturday, January 23, 1999 in Illinois

Lived: 85 years 5 months 10 days


Father:John William Bray (1864/IN - 1930)

Mother:Rene Ann Todd (1880/MO - 1961/MO)


Brother: Charles Wilbur Bray (1896/MO - 1918/MO)

Sister: Goldie Pearl Bray Rayburn+ (1898/MO - 1928/CA)

Sister: Irma Marie Bray (1901/MO - 1996)

Brother: Teddy Sylvester Bray (1904/MO - 1945)

Sister: Alberta Bray (1906/MO - 1907)

Sister: Elva Bray (1908/MO - 1909/MO)

Brother: John William Bray+ (1910/MO - 1980/IL)

Brother: Edward Fetzer Bray (1915/MO - 1984/MO)

Brother: Claude Vernon Bray An indication that this person has military service (1918/MO - 1944/FR)

Brother: Manford Allen Bray (1920/MO - 1983/IL)

Brother: Harold Paul Bray+ (1922/MO - 1970/IL)


1920 Sullivan County MO Census

1930 Stafford County KS Census


This page was created on September 18, 2011, last updated on December 4, 2019, and viewed on May 26, 2024.

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