Orville Brewer

Born: 1911 in Illinois


Father:Silas Herman Brewer (1873/IL - 1953/IL)

Mother:Elvira Luetta Reeves (1882/IL - 1958/IL)


Sister: Hattie Brewer Ellis+ (half-sister)An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1896/IL - 2000/IL)

Sister: Ethel V. Brewer Thompson (half-sister) (1898/IL - )

Brother: Henry H Brewer (half-brother) (1901/IL - )

Sister: Cora A Brewer (half-sister) (1903/IL - )

Sister: Ruth Brewer (half-sister) (1905/IL - )

Sister: Olive Mae Brewer (1907/IL - 1960/IL)

Brother: Allen Wesley Brewer (1913/IL - )

Brother: Raymond E. Brewer (1919/IL - )


1920 Jackson County IL Census


This page was created on February 26, 2019, last updated on February 26, 2019, and viewed on May 14, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net