Albert Milton Ellis

Born: Sunday, June 3, 1894 in Pomona, Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Friday, April 29, 1960 in Granite City, Madison County, Illinois

Buried: Alto Pass Cemetery, Alto Pass, Union County, Illinois

Lived: 65 years 10 months 26 days


Father:David Ensign Ellis (1858/IL - 1909)

Mother:Martha J. Marshall (1864/IL - 1915/IL)


Sister: Elva Ellis Cook+ (1887/IL - 1936/IL)

Brother: Melvin Ellis+ (1889/IL - 1963)

Brother: Elmer Ellis+ (1891/IL - 1952/IL)

Sister: Allie Ellis (1893/IL - )

Brother: William Ellis (twin) (1894/IL - 1913)

Brother: Roy Gilbert Ellis (half-brother) (1903/IL - 1974)

Brother: David R. Ellis (half-brother) (1905/IL - 1931)

Brother: Andy Theodore Ellis (half-brother) (1909/IL - 1985/FL)


Name: Helen Loretta Hancock An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1902/IL - 1927/IL)

  Date: 04/29/1918 (age: 23 years 10 months 26 days)

  Place: Tennessee

Name: Mary Belle Crowell (1903/IL - 1977)

  Date: 11/02/1931 (age: 37 years 4 months 30 days)


Son: Albert Wayne Ellis (1920/IL - 2000/IL)

Son: Robert Lavern Ellis (1922/IL - 1987/IL)

Daughter: Helen Anne Ellis (1924/IL - 2016/MO)

Son: Melbern Dean Ellis (1927/IL - 1927/IL)

Son: Ronald Joe Ellis (1932/IL - 2015/IL)

Son: David Leon Ellis (1935/IL - 2019/IL)

Son: Harold Dillard Ellis (1938/IL - 2011)

History/Life Events

  Occupation: Boilermaker for GM&O Railroad.

Official Sources (show all)

Albert Ellis WWI Draft Registration Card, 1917


This page was created on June 23, 2019, last updated on January 22, 2022, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

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