Viola Holder

Born: 1904 in Illinois

Died: 1919 in Jackson County, Illinois


Father:Andrew Jackson Holder (1878/IL - 1964/IL)

Mother:Gertrude Elizabeth Jennings (1883/IL - 1961/IL)


Sister: Thelma Holder (1902/IL - 1927/IL)

Brother: Lloyd Holder (1907/IL - 1969)

Sister: Ruth Ellen Holder McDaniel+ (1908/IL - 1987/IL)

Sister: Caroline M. Holder (1909/IL - 1989/IL)

Sister: Mildred Holder (1911/IL - 2001)

Brother: Joseph A. Holder (1916/IL - )

Sister: Imogene K. Holder (1920/IL - 1946/IL)

Sister: Josephine J. Holder Akins+ (1920/IL - 1976/IL)


This page was created on June 14, 2020, last updated on July 25, 2020, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

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