John Godfrey Lipe, III

Born: Tuesday, September 1, 1789 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina

Died: Monday, November 16, 1857 in Montgomery County, Illinois

Buried: Saint John's Cemetery, Montgomery County, Illinois

Lived: 68 years 2 months 15 days


Father:John Godfrey Lipe An indication that this person has military service (1763/NC - 1849/NC)

Mother:Barbara House (1768/NC - 1844/NC)


Sister: Rachel Lipe Dry (1790/NC - 1864/NC)

Brother: Henry Lipe (1797/NC - 1854/AR)

Sister: Margaret R. Lipe (1799/NC - 1883/NC)

Sister: Sarah Lipe (1800/NC - FL)

Brother: Moses Lipe (1801/NC - 1877/NC)

Sister: Catherine Lipe (1807/NC - 1863/NC)

Sister: Julia Ann Lipe (1809/NC - 1890/AR)

Brother: Daniel Lipe (1812/NC - 1897/IL)


Name: Sarah Rachael Blackwelder (1792/NC - 1881/IL)

  Date: 11/27/1809 (age: 20 years 2 months 26 days) - 11/16/1857 (death, 47 years 11 months 20 days)

  Place: Cabarrus County, North Carolina


Daughter: Barbara Lipe (1811/NC - 1872/IL)

Son: Nelson Lipe (1812/NC - 1880/IL)

Son: Allen Hiram Lipe (1814/NC - 1859/IL)

Daughter: Ella Lipe (1816/NC - 1865/IL)

Son: Noah Lipe (1818/NC - 1884/IL)

Daughter: Delila Elizabeth Lipe (1819/NC - 1916/IL)

Son: Wiley Lipe (1821/NC - 1902/IL)

Daughter: Elizabeth Lipe (1822/NC - 1908/IL)

Son: John Godfrey Lipe (1827/NC - 1889/IL)

Son: Martin Lipe (1829/NC - 1880/IL)

Daughter: Sarah Catherine Lipe (1832/NC - 1897/IL)

Daughter: Christina Diana Lipe (1833/NC - 1909/IL)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).


Notes on Early Lipe Families of North Carolina & Illinois

Find-A-Grave Website


This page was created on November 27, 2020, last updated on November 27, 2020, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

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