Roscoe Etherton

Born: Tuesday, January 28, 1908 in Illinois

Died: Thursday, July 14, 1988

Buried: Caledonia Cemetery, Randolph County, Illinois

Lived: 80 years 5 months 16 days

yDNA: R-M269 (inferred)


Father:Joseph Edward Etherton (1879/IL - 1964/CO)

Mother:Maude Robinson (1883 - 1964/CO)


Brother: Raymond C. Etherton (1904/IL - 1978)

Sister: Flossie M. Etherton (1907/IL - 1993)

Sister: Lydia Grace Etherton (1915/IL - 2005)

Brother: William Alonzo Etherton+ (1917/IL - 2005)


Name: Ethel Marie Benjamin (1908/IL - 1980/IL)

  Date: 02/25/1928 (age: 20 years 28 days) - 01/09/1980 (death/spouse, 51 years 10 months 15 days)


Daughter: Lillis Jane Etherton (1928 - 1967)

Daughter: Velma M. Etherton Smith (1930/IL - 2012/IL)

Daughter: Florence Etherton Williams (1934/IL - 2010/IL)

Son: Roscoe Etherton+ (1936/IL - 2003/IL)

Son: Edward Marvin Etherton (1938/IL - 1988)

Daughter: Donnita Lynn Etherton (1940/IL - 2007/IL)

Son: Charles E. Etherton (1942/IL - 1985)

Son: William Michael Etherton An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1950/IL - 2014/MO)


1920 Jackson County IL Census

William A. Etherton Obituary

William Michael Etherton Obituary

Find-A-Grave Website


This page was created on October 22, 2011, last updated on December 30, 2021, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at