Homer Etherton

Born: 1901 in Tennessee

Died: Thursday, February 14, 1952 in Knox County, Tennessee

Buried: Underwood Cemetery, Sevier County, Tennessee

yDNA: R-M269 (inferred)


Father:Thomas Arnold Etherton (1880/TN - 1957/TN)

Mother:Amanda Thomas (1882/TN - 1952)


Brother: Roy P. Etherton (1902/TN - 1981/TN)

Brother: W. Victor Etherton+ (1903/TN - 1993)

Sister: Maggie Etherton (1907/TN - )

Brother: Clifford T. Etherton (1908/TN - 1987/TN)

Sister: Addie Viola Etherton Gillenwater (1913/TN - 1939/TN)

Brother: Adis Freeman Etherton (1914/TN - 1914/TN)

Brother: James Herman Etherton+ (1914/TN - 1971/TN)

Sister: Nanie Bell Etherton (1919/TN - )

Sister: Willilene Etherton (1922/TN - )


Name: Elvira {unknown last name} (1904 - 1971)


Son: John T. Etherton (1927 - 1928)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).


Find-A-Grave Website


This page was created on January 16, 2019, last updated on January 16, 2019, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net