Willilene Etherton

Born: 1922 in Tennessee


Father:Thomas Arnold Etherton (1880/TN - 1957/TN)

Mother:Amanda Thomas (1882/TN - 1952)


Brother: Homer Etherton+ (1901/TN - 1952/TN)

Brother: Roy P. Etherton (1902/TN - 1981/TN)

Brother: W. Victor Etherton+ (1903/TN - 1993)

Sister: Maggie Etherton (1907/TN - )

Brother: Clifford T. Etherton (1908/TN - 1987/TN)

Sister: Addie Viola Etherton Gillenwater (1913/TN - 1939/TN)

Brother: Adis Freeman Etherton (1914/TN - 1914/TN)

Brother: James Herman Etherton+ (1914/TN - 1971/TN)

Sister: Nanie Bell Etherton (1919/TN - )

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).


1930 Knox County TN Census


This page was created on January 16, 2019, last updated on January 16, 2019, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net