Zemra Etherton

Born: 1916 in Jefferson County, Tennessee


Father:Joseph Benjamin Etherton (1891/TN - 1973/TN)

Mother:Bessie C. Miller (1896/TN - 1939/TN)


Brother: Amos Glenn Etherton+ (1913/TN - 1968/TN)

Sister: Velma Elizabeth Etherton Russell (1915/TN - 1989/TN)

Brother: Cleo B. Etherton+ An indication that this person has military service (1919/TN - 2005/TN)

Sister: Charity Mae Etherton Parrott+ (1922/TN - 2002/TN)

Sister: Bessie Ray Etherton (1925/TN - 2010)

Brother: Robert James Etherton+ An indication that this person has military service (1927/TN - 2015)

Sister: Rachel Etherton Moore (1929/TN - 2021/TN)

Brother: Herman W. Etherton (1931/TN - )

Brother: J B Etherton (1933/TN - )

Brother: Raymond Cleo Etherton (1935/TN - 1987)


Name: Otey Bunel (1910 - )


This page was created on February 9, 2019, last updated on February 9, 2019, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net