J B Etherton

Born: 1933 in Tennessee

yDNA: R-M269 (inferred)


Father:Joseph Benjamin Etherton (1891/TN - 1973/TN)

Mother:Bessie C. Miller (1896/TN - 1939/TN)


Brother: Amos Glenn Etherton+ (1913/TN - 1968/TN)

Sister: Velma Elizabeth Etherton Russell (1915/TN - 1989/TN)

Sister: Zemra Etherton Bunel (1916/TN - )

Brother: Cleo B. Etherton+ An indication that this person has military service (1919/TN - 2005/TN)

Sister: Charity Mae Etherton Parrott+ (1922/TN - 2002/TN)

Sister: Bessie Ray Etherton (1925/TN - 2010)

Brother: Robert James Etherton+ An indication that this person has military service (1927/TN - 2015)

Sister: Rachel Etherton Moore (1929/TN - 2021/TN)

Brother: Herman W. Etherton (1931/TN - )

Brother: Raymond Cleo Etherton (1935/TN - 1987)


1940 Jefferson County TN Census


This page was created on March 12, 2019, last updated on March 12, 2019, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net