John Thomas Modglin

Born: Wednesday, July 17, 1889 in Alto Pass, Union County, Illinois

Died: Sunday, October 17, 1948 in Jackson County, Illinois

Buried: Worthen Cemetery, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 59 years 3 months


Father:John Calvin Modglin (1862/IL - 1939/IL)

Mother:Elizabeth Wyatt (1867/IL - 1949/IL)


Name: Anna Fern Brothers (1903/IL - 1983)


Daughter: Aleda Elizabeth Modglin (1921/IL - 1922/IL)

Son: John Modglin (1923/IL - 1974/TN)

Daughter: Oma Marilyn Modglin (1931/IL - 1997/IL)

Official Sources (show all)

John Thomas Modglin WWI Draft Registration Card, 1917

Aleda Elizabeth Modglin Certificate of Death, 1922


This page was created on October 12, 2021, last updated on October 18, 2021, and viewed on February 6, 2025.

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