Harlin Reeves

Born: Wednesday, February 4, 1880 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Sunday, March 15, 1959 in Murphysboro, Jackson County, Illinois

Buried: Poplar Ridge Cemetery, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 79 years 1 month 11 days


Father:Harrison Reeves (1858/IL - 1882)

Mother:Ada May Burkey (1862/IL - 1922/IL)


Brother: Richard G. Lindsey (half-brother) (1884/IL - 1947/IL)

Sister: Ida Missouri Lindsey (half-sister) (1887/IL - 1941/OH)

Sister: Jennie Lindsey (half-sister) (1892/IL - )

Brother: Frank Lindsey (half-brother) (1898/IL - )

Sister: Erma Irene Lindsey (half-sister) (1902/IL - 1978/IL)


Name: Elvira Hagler (1880/IL - 1958/IL)

  Date: 1950 - 1958 (death/spouse, 8 years 5 months )


Poplar Ridge Cemetery


This page was created on January 16, 2022, last updated on January 16, 2022, and viewed on January 21, 2025.

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