Micajah Hagler

Born: 1874 in Illinois

Died: 1910 in Union County, Illinois


Father:John Hagler (1847/IL - 1911/IL)

Mother:Charlotte Etherton (1851/IL - IL)


Brother: Samuel Hagler (1869/IL - )

Brother: Henry A Hagler+ (1872/IL - 1941/IL)

Sister: Mary Etta Hagler Rushing (1879/IL - 1947/IL)

Brother: John Bluker Hagler+ (1882/IL - 1955/IL)

Sister: Minerva Hagler (1885/IL - )

Sister: William Ardell Hagler (1886/IL - 1960/IL)

Brother: Lewis A. Hagler (1889/IL - 1979/IL)


1880 Jackson County IL Census


This page was created on August 3, 2011, last updated on August 10, 2019, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net