Jacob Hiller

Portrait of Jacob Hiller

Born: Wednesday, March 8, 1837 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Saturday, December 26, 1914 in Williamson County, Illinois

Buried: Miners Cemetery, Royalton, Franklin County, Illinois

Lived: 77 years 9 months 18 days


Father:Simon Hiller (1790/NY - 1870/IL)

Mother:Rebecca Lindsey (1809/KY - 1870/IL)


Brother: Abraham Hiller (half-brother) ( - )

Brother: Peter J. Hiller+ (half-brother) (1811/NY - 1872/IL)

Sister: Minerva Ermina Hiller Etherton+ (half-sister) (1817/KY - 1889/IL)

Sister: Catherine Hiller Hanson+ (half-sister) (1820/KY - 1847/IL)

Sister: Elizabeth Ann Hiller Hanson+ (half-sister) (1824/TN - 1844)

Brother: Simon Peter Hiller (half-brother) (1825/KY - 1882/IL)

Brother: William Hiller+ (half-brother) (1829/KY - )

Brother: John E Hiller+ (half-brother)An indication that this person has military service (1831/KY - 1864/AR)

Sister: Eliza Hiller Lipe+ (1835/IL - 1922/IL)

Sister: Rebecca Hiller Ripley Baker+ (1838/IL - 1900)

Brother: Isaiah Hiller+ (1839/IL - 1907/IL)

Sister: Sarah Hiller (1847/IL - )

Sister: Mary D. Hiller (1849/IL - )

Brother: Michael Hiller (1851/IL - )


Name: Mary Ann Etherton An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1842/IL - 1893)

  Date: 03/20/1859 (age: 22 years 12 days) - 07/21/1893 (death/spouse, 34 years 4 months 1 day)

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois


Son: George Washington Hiller+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1860/IL - 1946/IL)

Daughter: Julia Ann Hiller Winchester+ (1862/IL - 1927/IL)

Son: Henry Hiller (1862/IL - 1954)

Son: Alonzo Hiller+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1866/IL - 1932/IL)

Son: Vetal Hiller An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1870/IL - 1942/IL)

Daughter: Hannah Hiller Phillips (1872/IL - 1935/IL)

Daughter: Laura Hiller Bishop (1874/IL - 1936/IL)

Son: Harrison Hiller+ (1876/IL - 1950)

Son: Lewis Hiller (1879/IL - 1947)

Daughter: Elizabeth D. Hiller Ahl+ (1880/IL - 1948/IL)

Daughter: Mary Hiller (1887 - 1889)

Son: Simon Hiller (1892/IL - 1892/IL)

History/Life Events

  Occupation: Farmer (1940).

Official Sources (show all)

Elizabeth Hiller Certificate of Birth, 1880


This page was created on January 25, 1997, last updated on March 10, 2020, and viewed on May 18, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net