Alma Hiller

Born: Wednesday, November 6, 1895 in Illinois


Father:Thomas Jefferson Hiller (1867/IL - 1938/IL)

Mother:Sarah Malinda Fisher (1865/IL - 1955/IL)


Sister: Anna J. Hiller (1886/IL - 1953/MO)

Sister: Margaret Hiller (1889/IL - 1951/IL)

Sister: Adia C. Hiller (1890/IL - )

Brother: John Hiller (1893/IL - 1949)

Brother: Simon Hiller (1893/IL - 1947/IL)

Brother: William Hiller (1896/IL - 1968)

Sister: Effie Hiller Owen (1898/IL - 1985)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).


This page was created on February 12, 2012, last updated on February 12, 2012, and viewed on May 19, 2024.

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