James Grant Guffey

Born: April 1867 in Missouri

Died: Monday, May 23, 1904

Buried: Thompson Cemetery, Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri


Father:Ira Crabtree Guffey An indication that this person has military service (1821/KY - 1881/MO)

Mother:Rebecca Pickering (1837/TN - 1917/MO)


Brother: William Guffey (half-brother) (1846/KY - )

Brother: Richard Guffey (half-brother) (1847/KY - )

Sister: Martha Guffey (half-sister) (1849/KY - )

Sister: Mary Guffey (half-sister) (1851/MO - 1935/ID)

Sister: Louisa Guffey (half-sister) (1855/MO - )

Brother: Benjamin Franklin Guffey (1859/MO - 1907/MO)

Sister: Rebecca Jane Guffey (1862/MO - 1929/IA)

Brother: William Sherman Guffey (1865/MO - )

Sister: Malinda Frances Guffey (1868/MO - 1955)

Sister: Emily Guffey (1871/MO - )

Brother: Levi Sigels Guffey+ (1872/MO - 1947/MN)

Sister: Ida Ellen Guffey (1879/MO - 1943/IA)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of 2 war veteran(s)/patriot(s) (see details).


1880 Putnam County MO Census

1900 Putnam County MO Census

Thompson Cemetery from 'Find A Grave' website


This page was created on May 19, 2012, last updated on January 2, 2018, and viewed on May 19, 2024.

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