William Carroll Etherton

Portrait of William Carroll Etherton

Born: Sunday, December 1, 1844 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Wednesday, June 9, 1909 in Illinois

Buried: Antioch Cemetery, Union County, Illinois

Lived: 64 years 6 months 8 days

yDNA: R-M269


Father:Andrew Jackson Etherton An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1822/TN - 1878/IL)

Mother:Lydia Luvisa Waller (1819/IL - 1895/IL)


Sister: Mary Jane Etherton Hanson (1843/IL - )

Brother: Maximilian C. Etherton+ (1846/IL - 1886/IL)

Sister: Matilda Ellen Etherton Crawshaw+ (1848/IL - 1905/IL)

Sister: Juanita Etherton (1850 - 1850)

Brother: Andrew Jackson Etherton+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1853/IL - 1899)

Sister: Luvisa A. Etherton Hunsaker+ (1855/IL - 1942/MO)

Sister: Maria Emma Etherton Spence Hinchcliff+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1860/IL - 1936/IL)

Sister: Sarah Frances Etherton Hagler Spence+ (1861/IL - 1946/IL)

Sister: Mahala Etherton (1863 - )


Name: Sarah Frances Whitlow An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1844/IN - 1880/IL)

  Date: 02/25/1864 (age: 19 years 2 months 24 days)

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois

Name: Louisa Watson An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1846 - 1891)

  Date: 02/09/1882 (age: 37 years 2 months 8 days)

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois

Name: Frances McDaniel An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1843/IL - 1916/IL)

  Date: 11/10/1892 (age: 47 years 11 months 9 days)

  Place: Olney, Richland County, Illinois


Daughter: Mary Ellen Etherton Watson+ (1864/IL - 1935/IL)

Daughter: Rhoda Ann Etherton Watson+ (1867/IL - 1953)

Son: Henry Francis Etherton+ (1869/IL - 1955)

Son: Hiram Andrew Etherton+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1872/IL - 1923/IL)

Son: Charles Etherton+ (1875/IL - 1905)

Son: Joseph Barnard Etherton+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1878/IL - 1949)

Daughter: Adda Leona Etherton Garner+ (1882/IL - 1929/IL)

Son: Grover Jackson Etherton+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1885/IL - 1952/IL)

Daughter: Emma Edith Etherton Damron+ (1887/IL - 1964/IL)

Daughter: Lilly Pearl Etherton Miller (1889/IL - 1965/IL)

History/Life Events

  Occupation: Farmer.

Official Sources (show all)

William Etherton & Louisa Bennett Marriage Register, 1882

William Etherton & Frances McDonal Marriage Register, 1892


This page was created on January 6, 1997, last updated on March 6, 2019, and viewed on May 18, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net