Jane Delilah Louton

Born: Friday, November 4, 1887 in Hot Springs, Garland County, Arkansas

Died: Sunday, April 21, 1974 in Major County, Oklahoma

Buried: Fairview Cemetery, Major County, Oklahoma

Lived: 86 years 5 months 17 days


Father:William James Louton An indication that a portrait of this person is available An indication that this person has military service (1844/AL - 1917/AR)

Mother:Amanda Bell Skein An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1850/MS - 1930/AR)


Brother: John Ananias Louton+ (1867/MS - 1893)

Sister: Sarah Ann Louton Henderson (1870/MS - 1960/AR)

Brother: William Bleven Louton+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1872/MS - 1943/AR)

Sister: Louella Louton (1874/MS - 1947)

Brother: James Henry Louton+ (1876/MS - 1935)

Sister: Theodoria Louton (1878 - 1892)

Brother: Amzire Jasper Louton+ (1880/AR - 1961/AR)

Brother: Charles Monroe Louton (1885/AR - 1963)

Brother: Emmett Lofton Louton+ (1890/AR - 1971/MO)

Sister: Mary Etta Louton Tisdale+ (1892/AR - 1968/AR)


Name: Agustus Alexander Otwell (1886/AR - 1946/OK)


Son: Monroe Marvin Otwell (1911/AR - 1989/OK)

Son: Hubert James Otwell (1913/AR - 1988/OK)

Daughter: Cecile Belle Otwell (1916 - 1987)

Daughter: Johnnie Maye Otwell (1919/AR - 2007/OK)

Daughter: Marie Sanford Otwell (1922/AR - 1989)

Son: Sherman Ezra Otwell (1927/AR - 2009)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of 2 war veteran(s)/patriot(s) (see details).


1900 Hot Spring County AR Census

Find-A-Grave Website


This page was created on October 5, 2012, last updated on August 24, 2021, and viewed on May 19, 2024.

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