Carl Lipe

Born: Friday, October 31, 1913 in Illinois

Died: Wednesday, March 4, 1914

Lived: 4 months 1 day


Father:Henry Louis Lipe (1866/IL - 1940/IL)

Mother:Hattie B. Runion (1874/IL - 1966)


Brother: Oma Beulah Lipe (half-brother) (1896/IL - 1945/IL)

Brother: John Lipe+ (half-brother)An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1899/IL - 1977/AR)

Brother: Claude Lipe+ (half-brother) (1900/IL - 1977/IL)

Brother: Everett Lipe (1906/IL - 1957/IL)

Brother: Earl Louis Lipe+ (1907/IL - 1986/IL)

Sister: Agnes Evelyn Lipe Butler (1909/IL - 2002/IL)

Sister: Francis Lucille Lipe Hornbeak+ (1916/IL - 2007/LA)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of 4 war veteran(s)/patriot(s) (see details).


Shawcross Genealogy


This page was created on June 16, 2013, last updated on April 23, 2017, and viewed on June 6, 2024.

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