Fred Lawson

Born: Sunday, February 19, 1888 in Missouri

Died: Saturday, March 22, 1958 in Clark County, Missouri

Buried: Wyaconda Cemetery, Clark County, Missouri

Lived: 70 years 1 month 3 days


Father:Elbert Ephraim Lawson An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1859/MO - 1933)

Mother:Rosa Ann Admire (1862/MO - 1940)


Brother: Charles Edwin Lawson (1879/MO - 1973)

Sister: Laura Elizabeth Lawson (1880/MO - 1967/MO)

Brother: Casper Elton Lawson (1882/MO - 1955/MO)

Brother: Francis Marion Lawson (1883 - 1884)

Brother: Frank Lawson (1884/MO - 1979/MO)

Brother: George Lawson (1890/MO - 1971/KS)

Sister: Clara Lillie Lawson (1892/MO - 1912/MO)

Sister: Florence Rosa Lawson (1898 - 1899)


Name: Maude May Turpin (1883/MO - 1958/MO)

History/Life Events

  Occupation: Railroad Section Hand.


Fred Lawson Certificate of Death, 1958


This page was created on September 22, 2013, last updated on January 6, 2018, and viewed on February 2, 2025.

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