Edward L. Wailes

Born: Sunday, April 26, 1874 in Plano, Appanoose County, Iowa

Died: Saturday, October 5, 1940 in Centerville, Appanoose County, Iowa

Lived: 66 years 5 months 9 days


Father:Loyd Wailes (1843/IN - 1929/IA)

Mother:Sylvania Jane Wakefield (1851/IN - 1926/IA)


Brother: Emmett E. Wailes (1876/IA - 1969)

Sister: Anna M. Wailes (1878/IA - )

Brother: Otis Wailes (1885/IA - )

Sister: Grace Wailes (1890/IA - )


Name: Lena McKern (1885 - )

  Date: 08/08/1925 (age: 51 years 3 months 13 days) - 10/05/1940 (death, 15 years 1 month 27 days)

  Place: Monroe County, Iowa

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).

  Occupation: Farmer.


1880 Appanoose County IA Census

1900 Appanoose County IA Census

1910 Appanoose County IA Census

Ed Wailes Certification of Death, 1940


This page was created on February 22, 2017, last updated on January 3, 2018, and viewed on June 16, 2024.

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