Lonnie Penrod

Born: Friday, October 27, 1893 in Pomona, Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Tuesday, June 1, 1971 in Pomona, Jackson County, Illinois

Buried: Dutch Ridge M. Baptist Cemetery, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 77 years 7 months 5 days


Father:Albert Penrod (1874/IL - 1959/IL)

Mother:Rachael Outlan (1875/IL - 1898/IL)


Brother: Everett Penrod+ (1894/IL - 1976/IL)

Sister: Eudell Edith Penrod Tuttle+ (1898/IL - 1987/IL)

Sister: Golda Penrod (half-sister) (1901/IL - 1985/IL)

Sister: Ruby O Penrod (half-sister) (1904/IL - 1996/IL)

Brother: Willard Penrod+ (half-brother) (1907/IL - 1987/IL)

Brother: Ray Albert Penrod (half-brother) (1914/IL - 2000/IL)


Name: Eva Elizabeth Grammer (1898/IL - 1971/IL)


Daughter: Anna Rachel Penrod (1915/IL - 1979/IL)

Daughter: Evelyn Cathleen Penrod (1918/IL - 2001/IL)

Son: Albert Curtis Penrod (1921 - 1993)

Daughter: Eva Louise Penrod (1924 - 2011)

Son: Earl Ray Penrod (1927/IL - 2006/KY)

Son: Lonnie Penrod (1929 - 1983)

Daughter: Beverly Jane Penrod (1932 - 2006)

Son: Frank Dwayne Penrod An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1937/IL - 2019/IL)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of 4 war veteran(s)/patriot(s) (see details).


Lon Penrod Certificate of Birth, 1893

Dutch Ridge Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery from 'Find A Grave' website

Frank Penrod Obituary


This page was created on March 24, 2017, last updated on March 24, 2017, and viewed on May 1, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net