Mary Isabelle Bressler

Born: Monday, November 13, 1848 in Pennsylvania

Died: Sunday, November 30, 1930 in Oklahoma

Lived: 82 years 17 days



Name: John Preston Haltom An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1839/IN - 1906/OK)

  Date: 04/16/1865 (age: 16 years 5 months 3 days) - 01/04/1906 (death/spouse, 40 years 8 months 19 days)


Son: Henry B. Haltom (1866 - )

Son: James Nathan Haltom (1868 - 1958/OK)

Son: Haward Harley Haltom (1869 - 1929)

Daughter: Laura Florence Haltom (1872 - 1898)

Son: Charles Wesley Haltom An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1876/IN - 1951)

Daughter: Clenta Haltom (1882 - 1882)

Son: John William Haltom (1883 - 1958)

Son: Alva Carson Haltom (1886 - 1968)

Daughter: Bertha Mae Haltom (1888 - 1916)


The History of the Haltom Family

DAR Research Database - Haltom

DAR Research Database - Randall


This page was created on January 9, 2018, last updated on January 9, 2018, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

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